I guess were day to day now!

Monday, February 12, 2007
So time is winding down for my wife. She's getting anxious nervous and excited all at the same time! She thought that last night was possibly the night, was probably just "gas" ha ha I guess we'll see could be a little midget coming in the next couple hours? Or any day now, either way were stoked. I think we've finally made up our minds on a name. If its a girl (which were pretty sure it is) her name will be Olivia Grace, if its a boy, his name will be Zak Daniel or Zachariah, so we'll see what happens. I'm counting the days though, its tough cause I've already in my heart given up on work cause I'm taking 4months off, maybe more. With the raises going south (for all of us) we've sorta got this mentality at work right now too, it really sucks. The truth of the matter is that I've been spending a lot more time with my family and particularly with my son, not that we didn't before but it seems to be all I'm doing lately, and I've REALLY enjoyed it. We were running around being silly all last night dancing and making Mommy laugh. He really is an amazing kid so happy, and so excited to being having a baby in the house, he wants to hold her like Daddy holds him. I know he's going to be protective too cause we were wrestling and I said lets tickle Mommy and we started and it was cool till Mommy said "Stop" and he grabbed my face and was like "No Daddy, Leave my Mommy alone" :D I've been teaching him to not hit girls ever so I hope he sticks to that cause its one of those things that I'm really strict on. We protect girls, we don't' hit them. He'll be a great big brother though I know it. Anyways as the final days/hours wind down we can't wait for the new addition to our family! Any day now, so please keep my wife in your prayers. Thanks guys!


starla said...

cant wait! keep up the good work dad!

Lynnie Ha said...

whoot whoot!

Jenny said...

Sounds like you're doing a wonderful job as a dad!
You're taking 4 months off? Paternity? that's awesome!!