Please Pray

Friday, March 30, 2007
Ok this is going to sound VERY crazy, I want to assure everyone that its not what it seems. But it is VERY VERY serious.

My brother was goofin around with some buddies shooting cd's with a pellet gun and dropped a cd cover and went to pick it up and accidentally shot himself in the eye. The good news is that it didn't go through the eye, it went around the eye and its lodged in the back of the socket. They can't do anything with it right now so they're monitoring him.

The REALLY weird thing is that his heart stopped twice... Were not sure exactly why possibly the combination of drugs ***that the hospital gave him*** OD'd him or what we don't know but they've got him on a heart monitor now and watching him.

ANY and ALL prayers are appreciated at this time


Just got off the phone with my Mom, she said that he is having irregular heart activities so they are checking him for drugs or something. One thing I know he does is smoke pot. Other then that my brother is not known to do anything except drink. She said that when they were in Richmond before being transferred to Surrey that the nurse came in twice in a 30min period and gave him shots both times, shortly after the second time his lips turned blue and he wasn't breathing his heart stopped. They had to bag him and get him going again. This happened twice. Now with the inconsistent beating of his heart they're doing more tests... Please keep him in your prayers

Update 2am
Just got off the phone with mom, was in a bit of a panic... Last time I talked to her she was telling me what was going on and a nurse approached her and she said I have to call you back.. I hadn't heard from her in two hours and both the cell phones weren't answering anymore. So I called the hospital at 1:30am and they said he had be discharged. I was confused but ok, so then ANSWER the phone please someone. Now 2am just got off the phone with Mom and Dad, Dad said that they weren't goofin around with it that Jer was carrying the gun and a pile of CD's and that he was carrying it barrel up, he dropped some of the cd's bent over to pick them up was about 1.5-2feet away from the barrel and somehow accidently triggered the pellet gun. The Eye specialist said that he's VERY lucky where it went in and there's a good chance that he may not lose site in his eye So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray that God has had his hand in this and that my brother doesn't lose his sight in that eye. They did infact discharge him, he wanted to go home anyways he's like me lol.
So the hospital did the tests and found that he's not a crack head and wasn't on other drugs, so they want him to see his GP and get his heart tested. As for the Eye the specialist gave Cait, his girlfriend his card and said that she could call any time day or nite even with simple questions. They gave him some T3's... I guess they're good for him not me :P and he's on complete bed rest for 5days minimum, he has to go in on Tuesday to see the specialist to see if swelling has gone down. To be able to remove the pellet. Apparently the outside damage is really bad, swollen completely shut and ooozing stuffs, even the white of his eye is going to be all bloodied up..

Crazy I'm going to phone him tomorrow and hopefully be able to talk to him and tell him to smarten up with the heart thing and the no breathing thing.. I'll kick his butt later for the pellet thing...

Thanks guys please keep praying I'm gonna go get some sleep.. I hope..


Carin said...

God knows him... and sees him and his situation - God made that body, knit it together just so... he is still in the business of miracles!
Prayers are continually being sent...

starla said...

were praying for him all of you! Love you guys!

Becky said...

It's so scary when someone we love is hurt and sick. I'm praying for you and your brother.

Anonymous said...

Chris, so glad to hear that Jeremy got released from the hospital. What a relief!! It sounds bad but it also could have been a lot worse. He's going to be okay - that's the main thing. Hope they get to the bottom of the heart stopping problem right away so that doesn't happen again. Keep us posted on how he's recuperating. Will he have to have eye surgery to remove the pellet? How easy things can happen hey? Please tell him to be more careful and love & hugs from auntie Nan and the gang. Take care all. xoxox