I've got the spring cleaning bug I want to fix my shed up, insulate the roof and finish the gip-rock inside maybe make some new shelves.. Clean up the back yard too. I wish it would stop snowing and warm up already.. Thats not something I normally say I love winter and snow but Enough is Enough.
My mom is coming soon she's getting all giddy like a school girl to see the kids, it will be nice to have her here. Becoming her annual visit, there's talk of her and Dad moving here so we'll see. It could happen Dad is between jobs and could probably get on at Alcan without trying.
Anyways I'm just chillin right now listening to Smashing Pumpkins, oddly cause I don't usually listen to them. So ya there's an update
Let me leave you with the Champ and my beautiful girl "Little Diva"!
Be blessed everyone!
so nice...Such a blessin you can stay home with your little family right now. What a special time.
ps thanks..hehe
The "little Diva in training" keeps on getting cuter and cuter!!
My hubby has cabin fever...he's been complaining about wanting to start with our spring fix ups. If only the weather would cooperate when he has his day off!
Take care!
GRRR I'm so sick of the snow, all morning I worked and cleaned the yard and shed only to go back inside and watch the snow fly like crazy again..
I love snow but AM SO ready for Spring/Summer!!
hear hear i am so with you..sigh
next wednesday is offically spring.
Yeah it seems like there is a bit of cabin fever going around my house these days...Scott had the weekend planned with lots of outside work, but couldn't do hardly any of it.
I bet once the weather turns nice we'll be complaining of all the stuff we need to do outside...a no-win situation.
Howdy dude,
I'm really happy for you that you can be home. it must be amazing... and really amazing for Christy! Keep up the good workd daddio
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