Ok Guys Need your input!

Monday, April 09, 2007
We're pretty much sold on the design but please give your input.
Tom and I are finally going to go gun-ho on our business we've talked about it for years and each done it solo, he started it and I continued it when he moved to Vancouver. Now he's back from Australia and Van and were ready and roaring to go.

Here's the card tell me what you think!
**Click on Images to see full resolution**


(Back)Anyways please comment and let me know what you think!


joni said...

first Yahhh you updated..haha
Second..good job..nice business cards..does this mean you aren't going back to work with my husband? hehe

Christy said...

Looks good guys!!!!

Chris said...

Possibly and No haha if it takes off he's going to come work with us!!!