Canuck Central!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

OK guys here's the deal Playoff central at my place, BYOB I'll try to have some snacks and drinks but seeing as Vancouver is going to go ALL THE WAY that'll get crazy expensive for me so if you bring an appy and some drinks or whatever that'll help out!!.
Here's the catch, if you want to come you HAVE HAVE HAVE to be wearing something Canuck anything I don't care if its old school or new school, or if you have to paint your face. IF your not wearing Canucks gear your not getting in the door!!! Sorry no exceptions!!!



Tamara said...

I better be invited to the festivities of a life time! And they BETTER go all the's the only way I'll ever convince my dad to get a tattoo.

Chris said...

Of course you are invited, your Dad and you have standing invitations! BUT you must be wearing Canucks gear!

As for the tat I'll talk to you later about it :D