"A NEW CAR" in a Rod Roddy voice

Friday, July 14, 2006
If you don't know who "Rod Roddy" is.... look it up :P

For today's entry -

"Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped,
turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute just sit
right there
I’ll tell you how I became the prince of a town
called bel-air"

We brought the van to a mechanic cause the motor mount was broken, turns out when they ordered a new one it was the wrong one. But thats good news cause our mechanic said "You'll just be wasting your money anways" So he managed to get some bolts on it with some nuts behind them to hold a bit longer, but he says "I don't know what your budget is like, but I'd look at getting... A NEW CAR" haha. Well my budget as of last night 0.90 in my bank acct 0.00 in my savings acct... and ahh I just spent the last $5 cash this morning at Tim Hortons :P

So we could really use your prayers friends!! God is deffinately a GREAT God, I'm not looking for any sort of handouts but just pray that God's blessing would come and that he would bring the best possible deal along. I don't want to buy another lemon. I'd like a new porche or ferrari :P ok in all seriousness I'd love that truck but... Dunno if I want to commit to 40g in payments. So again we just want the best deal possible, the deal that God has for us just waiting to be found! ALSO were waiting on our income tax and there's two possibilities 1 that its going to be about half of what we expect it to be or two were going to get the full amount that we've really be hoping for. Pray also that we could get the one were hoping for cause that will be instrumental in helping us out with paying for the new car!!

Blessings on you all.

PS I'm not even gonna put a window in the side door. Also please Pray that the van sells quickly!!


Jenny said...

You can phone CRA and see what your actual income tax refund is. That way there won't be any surprises!
Like I said in the previous post my husband and I had money woes in our earlier years of married life. They were tough, but we prepared a budget and were(I use "were" cause we have accumulated a car and mortgage payment since) debt free in 2.5 years. It was the most valuable lesson we have ever learned.
We drove our last vehicle (91 honda) until it had 365000 kms on it. We too took it to the mechanic and the mechanic told us it wasn't worth sinking money into. After that we bought our current vehicle and got awesome financing on the van (0%).
I pray it will all work out for your family the way it is meant to! These lessons are often hard, but afterwards when you can look back on them it is such an amazing feeling to know you survived.
Good luck!