Mosquitoes + Family Hike = Run for your life, and lots of fun!!!!

Monday, June 18, 2007
Well we wanted to take the guests from Norther California on Sunday afternoon but it didn't work so today my family and I went out for a nice little hike. We went up to the falls near Rosswood was a great little hike, only took us about 15mins. Was a nice drive too, we got to listen to the sermon from yesterday and take it in a bit more. Was a great word! We had fun we cruised out there and enjoyed the drive and time together then we strolled in to the bush heading for the falls. Well turns out we should have maybe bathed in bug repellent cause the mosquitoes were THICK THICK I'm talking crazy if you stopped walking you had 10 or more on any patch of skin visible, while walking you literally had 3-5 on any piece of visible skin at all times. So that part sorta sucked lol but we had fun! Cool thing happened too, as we were driving out there it had started to rain and it wasn't to bad but it had the potential to get really bad, looked like some really black rain clouds. So we prayed that God would hold the rain off so we could enjoy our walk and spend some time together. As soon as we finished praying, like the second we stopped the rain stopped. We went for our walk and when we got back in the car it started to rain again, but it was quiet a bit less then prior to our walk. Anyways here are some pictures to enjoy!!

Next time we go were bringing the bug dope!!


Tanya said...

Looks like a great time!

Where are these falls anyways? Haven't seen these ones yet!

Jenny said...

Great pics!! Have you guys done Clearwater lakes? It's a fun hike.

Chris said...

The Falls are out towards Rosswood before the bridge *LOL* on the creak that starts with "W" can't remember the creek name sorry!! Ask Lawrence he knows

Where are the Clearwater Lakes?

Jenny said...

Go to Onion Lake and follow the trail that is just off of the parking and walk down. Beautiful hike!

Chris said...

oh ya, didn't know it was the "clear water lakes though! it is a nice hike I had forgot about them thanks!

starla said...

looks like fun! your inspiring me to get my family out and moving together!

Jenny said...

Jenny said...

Should add that this is a link to some great/easy hikes.

Jenny said...

Just me again...
here's the rest of the code

Darci said...

Is it possibly Wesach? Those look like the falls by John's Place.