No means no!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Ok so this weekend, I'm not doing anything Friday/Saturday and Sunday other then going to church. I'm Soooooo tired :P I haven't had a day off since we moved into the new house, things have been crAzy busy. So I'm gonna kick back take off my shoes and relax for 3 days. Gonna sleep till n00n lounge around in my comfy clothes and not do a thing. Except for maybe beat my kid up hehe. Maybe I'll take a nap too. Buy a six pack watch some movies, eat some pizza whatever. I don't care as long as I'm relaxed and rejuvinated for next week. So for those of you that read my blog. Don't phone me to do anything unless your comin over to lounge with me :P and I'll see ya on Sunday morning, and thats about it!


Carin said...

a well deserved break... I love lounge around weekends... especially after days of seemingly unending work... enjoy!

Justin said...

man that sounds like my kind of weekend

Riteesha Mathew said...

hope ur weekend worked out as planned?

Adam said...

November 15th Last post. Come on dude. What's new and exciting buddy!!!!!!!