Mosquitoes + Family Hike = Run for your life, and lots of fun!!!!

Monday, June 18, 2007
Well we wanted to take the guests from Norther California on Sunday afternoon but it didn't work so today my family and I went out for a nice little hike. We went up to the falls near Rosswood was a great little hike, only took us about 15mins. Was a nice drive too, we got to listen to the sermon from yesterday and take it in a bit more. Was a great word! We had fun we cruised out there and enjoyed the drive and time together then we strolled in to the bush heading for the falls. Well turns out we should have maybe bathed in bug repellent cause the mosquitoes were THICK THICK I'm talking crazy if you stopped walking you had 10 or more on any patch of skin visible, while walking you literally had 3-5 on any piece of visible skin at all times. So that part sorta sucked lol but we had fun! Cool thing happened too, as we were driving out there it had started to rain and it wasn't to bad but it had the potential to get really bad, looked like some really black rain clouds. So we prayed that God would hold the rain off so we could enjoy our walk and spend some time together. As soon as we finished praying, like the second we stopped the rain stopped. We went for our walk and when we got back in the car it started to rain again, but it was quiet a bit less then prior to our walk. Anyways here are some pictures to enjoy!!

Next time we go were bringing the bug dope!!

Two days in a row!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007
I'm pretty happy!!! Joni, Jenny you girls should SO DO IT! Come with us next time we go! Tom Carin and I went up Friday and actually set a new "record" 55mins up and 40-45 mins down. It's actually harder for me to go down, cause the impact on my ankle is quite a bit more. I have to find the proper footing as to not slip. Today we went up with a larger group, some guests from out of town that came to minister at our G.T.T really wanted to see the outdoors and get a view of the town, so I offered to take them up Terrace mountain on Sunday or Monday it wasn't going to work for either of those days so we just went up today. I'm feeling it a bit but I feel good. The good news is we shaved about 5mins off our time up, our time down was about the same maybe a bit more BUT we went down the opposite side of the mountain. I'm not sure I'd do it again until my ankle was more... trustworthy? lol I dunno it was pretty steep in some places, I'd go up that side but maybe not down.... but I'll prolly do it again anyways,

Anyways I just LOVE it I love being outside and getting exercise feels so good. I'm happy to be getting back in shape its gonna be a long journey but I don't care I really want to do it for my family's sake and for my health! Lots of people keep asking me about my weight and if I've lost the honest answer is I don't know and I don't care!!!!! My wife says she can see it in my face and what not but its not about that for me I just want to be healthy.

So here's a picture for all of you who've been thinking about doing it!

I was gonna say sorry but I did that last time!

Thursday, June 07, 2007
Ok so ya.. I've been busy, haven't had much "play" time on the computer lately so I thought I would update everyone. Tom and I have officially launched our business full fledged. We recently sent out 200 flyers to the business's in town and we've got 200 more to go out soon. Our website is complete and were ROARING to get some work done. Please if you want some business cards to help us get our name out there again just ask and I'll be sure to give you a bunch to get around. Our website address is check it out let me know what you think now that its done. We'll be doing little tweaks here and there but thats just updating stuff as we go on.

I've been walking a bunch, I'd like to say a lot but with the rain and flooding we've been busy helping friends move stuff and prepare for the mess. Hopefully keep the water out of their houses. However we did go up Terrace Mtn. today and I felt like I did pretty well. I still can't fully keep up with Tom and Steve, but I didn't have to stop to make sure I was still alive a million times, couple little breather breaks and kept going at a steady pace. We didn't go the top today but that was on purpose we headed over to the rock face that you can see from the old bridge to get a birds eye view of the river... It looks like the water has gone down but actually it seems to have just spread out a bit more.
I think its pretty funny how some people are panicking and buying up lots of gas and groceries, worst case scenario they'd bring a barge up from the coast... Drive it in from Kitimat... I was talking to a friend of mine at Aqua Clear, I was getting water (cause we were out) and people are freaking out there too, buying like 20+ bottles of water... the great thing is that even IF the water got contaminated, they could still bottle water, they boil/filter/clean it anyways... Oh well...

On a side note, one of our long time friend families, dad had a massive heart attack the other day and passed away. The Rolleman's "Peter Rolleman" so the family is all in town flew up. Its great to see them again but Terrible it had to be this way. So PLEASE please pray for them as they definitely need it in this time. My thoughts and love go out to all of them!

So there you go I've updated!

Anaheim won the cup for those that didn't know...