Possibility of a new Job...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I've been in contact with a company. Actually I was in contact with this company several months ago talking about the possibility of a service contract with them. However there was a local company in town that already had its foot in on that service. Knowing the unnamed company I knew it wouldn't be long for Alcan and this other company to be unsatisfied and get upset with the unnamed company. After being laid of on the 3rd of March I started keeping my ear to the ground for opportunities should they arise, well it seems I was right both companies are fed up with the level of service being provided by the unnamed company and is now looking for a full-time employee, so I've forwarded my resume and spoken with the guy doing the hiring on the phone. I told him that I wouldn't do it for anything less then a minimum of $30/hour. So I'm playing the waiting game with them now, I've sent in my resume and am just waiting to hear back... But truth be told I don't know if I really want to go back it means being back at Alcan.

There are other things that I would like to see included in the offer, such as pager pay a friend of mine works at Alcan and said he gets about $1000 extra a month for having the pager, also a gas card (would settle for a decent mileage rate) 3-4weeks paid holiday and of course benefits. I just really need to pray about this whole thing I don't want to take the job just because the pay sounds good. Another thing that is a MUST is to get EVERYTHING in writing. I've been screwed over to many times at Alcan. Different companies each time but not anymore..

So my prayer request is this; that God would reveal his will to me and my family. My heart is to be in business for myself and not working for "the man " but I don't want to be foolish if this is what God wants me to do. So ya, I would appreciate your prayers and thanks in advance.


Gwen said...

We're praying for you. God will provide exactly what your family needs!

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris, praying for you!! :)

Jenny said...

Hey Chris, any word on the job?