Well I'm on my new computer now, I've re-installed it three times and it took less time to do that then it takes to install once on my old computer... I feel spoiled really, I keep going back to the old computer to get configured files saved files and what not off to put onto the new computer and think to myself. Self, how did you do it for so long? It's pretty awesome really. Haven't experienced any lag at all so far, few small issues; being that its so new the video card for example isn't even 7days old. It was just released to the public. So the drivers are a bit sketchy sometimes.. Lots of stuff like that.
Anyways on another note my EI ran out :( which means I have to go back to work, back to Alcan that is. Need a steady pay check to support the family so I'm going to be heading back on Wednesday the 28th. I'm not going to lie I'm bummed but I'm thankful that I have a job and can support my family so I'm not going to complain about it.
Tonight is our staff party for CGI my job at Alcan. Were eating at the Bavarrian Inn its going to great! always great food there! Very excited, plus it will be nice to see everyone in a social event before going back to work!
So Christy and I are off finally on a date night spend some much needed time together with no kids to worry about.
10 years ago