Lots to post.. no time to do it

Thursday, July 10, 2008
I don't really know what I'm doing I should be in bed...

I just had to post about Scuba Diving WOW WHOA YIPPEEEEE it is so cool I love it, breathing underwater. I can't wait to be in the ocean and really diving btw the Hotsprings are DISGUSTING you might want to re-think swimming there.

Anyways its the craziest coolest thing!! That's why I haven't been posting I've been reading/studying with my spare time.

Going to update soon you'll see!

Here's a couple pics from the dive the crew did out of Rupert.. I TOTALLY wish I was there...

(All pics taken by Tom Burbee http://tomsworldtrip.spaces.live.com/ or you can see him on Facebook where he'll be posting more)

Pretty insane huh...