I have found a Fortress in the Living God
I have made the Sov'reign Lord my refuge
And my voice will tell of all His saving grace
Though the depths of which
No man could measure
In the days of plenty in the days of want
I will put my trust in You alone
For there's no heart greater than the Father's heart
And there's no love sweeter than the Son'sHallelujah hallelujah hallelujah to my King
Hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Christ my ev'rything
That this love pursued us is a mystery
For the heart is base and You are holy
Yet the streams of mercy that flow over me
Will afford me grace to stand in glory
Where with men and angels
Where with slaves and kings
I will sing my praise to You alone
For there's no heart greater than the Father's heart
And there's no love sweeter than the Son's