I've got a TAN and its gonna be SMOKIN by Monday!!!
Today (Saturday) is the FIRST RACE DAY with the TDRA (http://www.terracedrags.ca/) Tom and I volunteer (sorta) our company for the races they pay us a little, just a "thank you" really cause we don't bill them at all for it. But ya its going to be good its $5 bucks to get in so come check them out there's new reader boards which are AWESOME!!! anyways I'm really only updating cause I finished my book and started two more so I wanted to change my picture...
Sorry to tired to update for real haha
maybe later :P
PS. After having finished reading Philip Yancey's book "What's So Amazing About Grace" if you haven't read it I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend it... Great Read it was captivating, challenging and very well written!
Check it out!
EDIT: OK one thing I really should update about is that Christy and I are now leading our home group Thomas and Michelle are stepping down for some R&R and to be obedient to what God is calling them to, and we were going to shut the group down but I think we were ALL on the same page when we just didn't feel like that was right, so Christy and I prayed about it and felt lead to step up to the plate and lead the home group! Were very excited for what God is doing and going to do in our home group. We love you guys all very much and are excited to see what God has planned!!!
10 years ago